
Home Missions

I am very passionate about Missions! No matter how I try I cannot forget this call of Jesus as written in St Matthew 28, “Go ye, therefore into all the world and make disciples.” This Great Commission has taken hold of me and I am happy for the Pentecostal Church of God; it has opened the door to allow me to fulfill my dreams, both at home and abroad.

The Purpose of The Home Mission Department

  1. Church Planting

  2. Aid in establishing new works

  3. Assist and oversee church growth

  4. Oversee church construction

  5. Assist the District Bishop with issues the church may face.

We are encouraging people of God who feel a called to this ministry. If you have a calling for Missions please speak to your Pastor first. Then, contact me and I will help to appoint you. According to our bylaw, the Mission Director must see to the starting of new churches. I am here to help in starting new churches and at this time and season, this is well needed. So, if you have a call to this form of ministry, please contact me.

World Missions

You can fulfill the call of Jesus in any place the Lord calls you. Carry out the Commission of Jesus in St Mark 16:15, “And he said unto them, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” 

Through my missions experience with Trinity Faith Pentecostal Church Of God (Bronx, NY), I have been able to serve several churches in Africa and the UK. I helped start churches in Ghana, minister with 5 churches in Benin, and started new churches in England. I encourage everyone to serve in World Missions. 

Interested? Contact me and I can help you.

You can serve Home and World Missions in your giving as well. If needed, I can help you direct your funds to any part of the world. I have an account within the World Mission Department. In your giving please add my name, Rev., Dr. Curtis Peart, and Account #1705. If you so choose to send without my number, your donation will still go through. It will just be place in the general fund of the World Mission Department. 

If you are unable to go feel free to sponsor someone. “A soul saved anywhere is precious unto the Lord.” (Psalm 116

Please write the name of the Field you are supporting and send all contributions to:
Pentecostal Church of God Department of World Missions
P.O. Box 2248
Bedford, Texas
Please include the account number on the check or M/O Acct# 1705.

Rev., Dr. Curtis Peart DirectorCONTACT

Rev., Dr. Curtis Peart